Privacy notice

Version 2; last updated 20/11/2020

This privacy notice sets out the basis on which we will process any personal data we collect from you, or that you provide to us.

Who we are

Dynamic Dunescapes is a partnership project between Natural England, Plantlife, National Trust, Natural Resources Wales and the Wildlife Trusts and is funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, the EU LIFE Programme, and the project partners. The main project website can be found at

This Dynamic Dunescapes Citizen Science website is to support the mobile application developed as part of the Dynamic Dunescapes project.

This website and mobile application are operated by:

  • the Biological Records Centre (BRC) as part of the work of the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (UKCEH). BRC, established in 1964, is a national focus in the UK for terrestrial and freshwater species recording. BRC works closely with the voluntary recording community, principally through support of National Recording Schemes and Societies (as listed on the BRC website). BRC is supported by the Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) and UKCEH (through National Capability funding via Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)).
  • UKCEH is an independent, not-for-profit research institute and is a registered Charity in England & Wales (number 1185618) and in Scotland (number SC049849), and a registered Company Limited by Guarantee in England & Wales (number 11314957). UKCEH is strategically funded by the Natural Environment Research Council, part of UK Research and Innovation.
  • The Dynamic Dunescapes partnership

The data controller is Natural England, Foss House, Kings Pool, 1-2 Peasholme Green, York, Y01 7PX.

Send questions about how we use your personal data and your associated rights to the Natural England Data Protection Manager at:

Natural England, County Hall, Spetchley Road, Worcester, WR5 2NP

The Defra group Data Protection Officer is responsible for checking that Natural England complies with legislation. You can contact them at:

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, SW Quarter, 2nd floor, Seacole Block, 2 Marsham Street, London SW1P 4DF

Why are we collecting your personal information?

The Dynamic Dunescapes Citizen Science mobile application enables volunteers to assist the project by gathering sand dune habitat and species data. This will help strengthen the understanding of what is going on in the environment to help monitor and improve the conservation work that is being undertaken. Personal data is being collected alongside the biological records in order to help facilitate data collection and maintain data accuracy.

In data protection terms we are using the ‘lawful basis’ of ‘public interest’ for collecting, processing and sharing (see below) your personal data.

Collecting personal data from scheme participants

The data we will collect

Name and email address will be used to create an account on the mobile application, allowing the user to access and use the application.

After you have registered, when you submit data to the Dynamic Dunescapes Citizen Science mobile application, your name will be included alongside the survey information (including location and time of record) to form the ‘biological record’. Your email address may be used in order to contact you with queries about the records you provide for the purpose of validating and verifying the survey data. We use the iRecord verification system ( to review the Dynamic Dunescapes Citizen Science survey data for species and you may be contacted by an expert working with iRecord for this purpose.

We will collect the following personal data about you:

  • name
  • email address
  • location and date of any biological records you submit.

How are we storing your information and will we share it?

All of your personal data that we collect will be stored securely for as long as you are signed up with the Dynamic Dunescapes project. Your account details (name and email address) will be kept for the life of the mobile application in order for you to access the application.

If you no longer wish to contribute records to the Dynamic Dunescapes project, please contact to let us know. Your account will be deleted after six months of your request or after the life of the mobile application or by end of the following March to allow us to resolve any queries we may have on records you have already submitted. However, note that the component of your personal data that forms the biological record (i.e. your name, and the location and time of the record) will be kept permanently as part of the scientific dataset.

Partner organisations, volunteers and contractors working for the project may receive your biological records to enable them to carry out their role in support of the Dynamic Dunescapes project.

We may pass your records and contact details to an external record verifier who may get in touch for the purpose of validation and verification of species records. This communication will primarily be through the iRecord system ( that provides a verification system for the Dynamic Dunescapes project and other biological surveys.

Biological records produced by the Dynamic Dunescapes project will be disseminated to other organisations and individuals worldwide for purposes of scientific research and will also be disseminated worldwide for public access and use under OGL (Open Government License), for example, via the NBN Atlas ( The dataset will contain the name of the recorder and verifier. We will not openly publish any other personal data, e.g. email address or postal address.

Other than as set out above, and except where we have a legal obligation to so do, we will not share your personal data with anyone else, and will adhere to current UK Data Protection Legislation at all times.

Your rights and our contact details

You are entitled to access any of your personal data that we hold. You can view the personal data we hold of yours by logging in to your account on the Dynamic Dunescapes Citizen Science website or mobile application. Alternatively, please contact with as much detail as possible on the information you would like us to provide and we will respond within one month.

You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data. You also have the right to request that we restrict or stop processing, rectify or delete your personal data. Where the personal data we hold has not been supplied by yourself, you are entitled to ask how we obtained the personal data. You can request that your user account is cancelled at any time by emailing

Please contact if you wish to progress any of these rights.

If you have any concerns about how your personal data is being used, we will try to answer any questions you have. You have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office.

Changes to the privacy policy for the Dynamic Dunescapes

This Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time. The latest version will always be available at If changes are made to this privacy policy in the future, a prominent notice will be posted on the website.